Monday, August 4, 2014

Visionaries: Continue Taking Steps Forward

by Debbi Dachinger, Dare To Dream Radio Host, Wed. 11am PT

"Visionary: thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom."

We who are visionaries take steps and continue to believe in our dreams no matter what. We believe with eyes wide open, trusting in a greater good because it’s our road – it’s our path to explore and create.  Trust allows us to proceed. In spite of not knowing all the how’s and outcomes, we trust and step forward anyway. We are about the business of change.

If you’re carrying a sad “life is hell” story - let go of it. Choose to release any inflated, sad story. Help create the real story. A positive story, and the sooner you do this - the better. You need your precious energy. More good is on its way than you could possibly imagine. So dare to believe and live that story.

Your dream is worth every effort. It’s what you’re here for. Now maybe you’re thinking that it is taking too much time. What else besides taking steps towards your dreams and shedding limits are you here for? So if you have a dream that lights up your switchboard, then activate devotion towards it. Only avoidance truly wastes time.

Another part of this crazy adventure of life is that timing always turns on a dime. You are always evolving, growing, getting in touch with new information and perspectives. With the right opportunity, you can feel the energy to say yes. Readiness comes of itself. You can’t force it, fake it. And then you finally feel ready to show your gifts to the world - in the synchronicity of that moment. So when that moment comes - take that chance and remember every moment has its own arc and harvest.

Visionaries always continue taking steps forward using their gifts, talents, integrity, their highest ideals plus, their wishes and dreams to make mankind and the planet a better place. When they meet an obstacle they find a way over, under or around it and always continue to pursue their dream - no matter what!

Now here is where HealthyLife.Net Radio gets to help you. We are 100% positive all the time and have a plethora of programs with one goal in mind - to help you have a happy, healthy life. Part of your healthy, happy life is living your dream. So remember when you start wavering from your dream you have a place to go to keep you positively motivated. actually exists just to help you - so use us whenever you need us - because HealthyLife.Net Radio is positively there for you 24/7.

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