Monday, October 27, 2014

Dr. Jane Greer: I Dare You To Live a Positive Life

by Debbi Dachinger, Dare To Dream Radio Host, Wed. 11am PT

I recently interviewed Dr. Greer, from Dr. Jane's Doctor On Call. Her radio show is filled with meaningful conversations on health, life and love with prominent guests on We had a brilliant conversation - see how this influences you. I dare you to take Dr. Jane's dare!

Debbi: What is the greatest lesson you've learned?

Dr. Jane: The greatest lesson I've learned is that when someone does a great favor for you or is supportive to you, gratitude is about more than simply thanking the person - pay it forward and pass it on to others.

Debbi: What is something you are deeply grateful for?

Dr. Jane: On that same note, I'm grateful for the opportunity to pass it on in my career - in the work I do with my patients; in the books I've written and my Doctor On Call radio series, where I can share things I've found helpful and useful; and in every aspect of my practice.

Debbi: What's the most important thing you do to keep your life positive?

Dr. Jane:  I exercise and meditate six days a week because it gives me the energy, vitality, structure, and discipline to live a positive life. It provides me with an emotional backbone and inner focus to get through each day, and it gives me the strength to stay focused throughout my day and in all the interactions and relationships in my life.

Debbi: If you could DARE the listeners to do anything that will create positive change for them, what would you dare them to do today?

Dr. Jane:  I would dare them to say three positive, supportive things to the people that they love instead of negative, angry statements.

Tune in to Dr. Jane Greer's Doctor On Call radio which airs Tuesdays at 11am PT on

Monday, October 20, 2014

Jesimiel Jenkins: I Dare You To Live a Positive Life

by Debbi Dachinger, Dare To Dream Radio Host, Wed. 11am PT

I caught up with Healthy Life Radio host: Jesimiel Jenkins.We had a stimulating conversation - see how this influences you. I dare you to take Jesimiels's dare!

D:  What is the greatest lesson you've learned?

JESIMIEL:  I have so much more to learn, but so far it's been forgiveness of self. I punished myself for  long time, denying an intimate and personal truth about who I am.  I punished myself, subconsciously, by denying myself true happiness. I felt I didn't deserve it because I'm not picture perfect. When I realized that I have the power to define my identity, I finally drummed up the courage to let myself off the hook, accept myself for who I am and love all parts of myself, even if others didn't.  

D:  What is something you are deeply grateful for? 

JESIMIEL:  I am deeply grateful for the love and acceptance I receive from people I hold dear. It doesn't define me or determine my mood, but it is incredibly sustaining. The love of family, my partner, and dear friends who accept me unconditionally is extremely liberating and sustaining. I float on their love like a cloud high above the rough waters of life. 

D:  What's the most important thing you do to keep your life positive?

JESIMIEL:  I am careful to be very honest. I find that lying, concealing the truth, or denying the way I feel about something clouds my mind and heart with negativity and darkness. The truth is the light that brings joy, clarity, and purity of mind, body, and spirit and positivity.  

D:  If you could DARE the listeners to do anything that will create positive change for them, what would you dare them to do today?

JESIMIEL:  I dare you to tell the radical truth to yourself. Tell the truth about how you feel, where you are, who you are, and what you want- no matter how ugly or difficult it is. When you walk in truth, you walk in light, and you walk in healing. 

Tune in to Jesimiel Jenkin's radio show  The Welcome Table which airs the 4th Monday every month at 9am PT

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dr. Gloria Gilbere: I Dare You To Live a Positive Life

by Debbi Dachinger, Dare To Dream Radio Host, Wed. 11am PT

I recently interviewed Dr. Gloria, from the Dr Gloria: Health Detective radio show on We had a brilliant conversation - see how this influences you. I dare you to take Gloria's dare!

D:  What is the greatest lesson you've learned?

Gloria: IN LIFE: When life gives you lemons make lemonade - but sweeten it with whatever feeds your soul and  IN HEALTH: That there are NO quick fixes. Wellness requires personal commitment for the lifelong journey.

D: What is something you are deeply grateful for?

Gloria: IN LIFE: My chosen family (my friends and colleagues) and IN HEALTH: The health challenges I've endured because it's made me a better doctor  - been there, done that, and I know what works and what doesn't. which allows me to better guide those who consult with me.

D: What's the most important thing you do (or be) to keep your life positive?

Gloria: IN LIFE: To constantly remind myself that I can afford ANYTHING in life (I'm not referring to money) EXCEPT being around negative people and those that don't celebrate who I am - negativity is a toxic contagious disease, period! IN HEALTH: I practice what I teach. I completely avoid nightshade foods because they induce inflammation and also no wheat/gluten, no processed food.  I hydrate very well daily. I take care of my intestinal health (where most of our immune system is based). I use medical food protein shakes when I need to detox and  I avoid sugar mostly because I have diabetes in my family and sugar is fuel that burns at your health. I get 7-8 hours' sleep nightly.
Another important thing I do for myself is something a friend reminded me of: The way you begin your day is the way you'll end it. So begin by feeding your soul/spirit with some quiet time so the rest of the day doesn't progress at high speed that will burn you out quickly. Sometimes for me that means having my organic coffee while catching up with the latest in the world with no one else around. Other times it means a quiet few minutes of meditation giving thanks for the previous day and asking for guidance for the day at hand. When I'm really stressed I make a list of all the things I'm grateful for and soon the stress turns to appreciation of why I'm experiencing whatever I'm being challenged with and the lesson in the challenge.

D: If you could DARE the listeners to do anything that will create positive change for them, what will you dare them to do today?

Gloria:  IN LIFE: Walk away from anything or anybody that is negative without any discussion, apologies or attitude. When you simply become "unavailable" physically and emotionally and what you DON'T say speaks louder than words! Try it for one month and then go back to the people and things that were not celebrating YOU and you'll have learned how you give away your power and essence without often realizing it. IN HEALTH: Avoid all wheat/gluten, foods in the nightshade family and all processed foods for 90 days. Then go back and have whatever you're craving most - that's your poison because Body Talk Never Lies and you'll feel the amazing difference, particularly if you have any kind of inflammatory condition - which most people do.

Tune in to the Dr. Gloria: Health Detective which airs: the 1st Monday at 9:am PT

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Linda Mackenzie: I Dare You To Live a Positive Life!

by Debbi Dachinger, Dare To Dream Radio Host, Wed. 11am PT

I recently interviewed Linda Mackenzie Founder and GM of Radio Network and host of tthe Linda Mackenzie Show. We had a brilliant conversation. I dare you to accept Linda's dare!

 Debbi:  What is the greatest lesson you've learned?

Linda:  The only thing you can rely on in life is change and change is constant. Change is also cyclical and is a spiral in motion. So use change to learn and grow. If you use change wisely you can actually advance rapidly on your spiritual growth path. Plus in the  downtime of change if you actually learn the total lesson, you will never have to go through that same lesson ever again. How cool is that...and the more spiritual growth lessons you learn the longer you stay up in the flourishing up time of change. So remember all change is matter what.

Debbi: What is something you are deeply grateful for?

Linda: I am grateful for my six (or more?) senses and how I can use them all, energetically, to give and receive love, to and from all things. LOVE! For that is really the only thing we take with us when we pass over. It's our real bank account - the love we give and the love we receive.

Debbi: What's the most important thing you do to keep your life positive?

Linda: I give back to others. Especially through the Radio Network. Knowing that we are helping someone to get or stay positive almost every minute of every day means that we are doing our part to keep generating that Universal Positive Energy that is helping the greater good of all. Now what's more positive than that!

Debbi:  If you could DARE the listeners to do anything that will create positive change for them, what will you dare them to do today?

Linda: Forgive yourself and others. Each morning wake up and say I forgive all those who have hurt me and I forgive myself for any wrongs I have done. Of course you DO have to try hard not to repeat the same mistakes but if you forgive yourself and others each morning - you will have a fresh new canvas for that day to create a beautiful new picture of your life.

Listen to the LINDA MACKENZIE SHOW! on every Tuesday, 8am PT and do call in with YOUR questions during the show between 8:30- 9am PT at 800-555-5453.