Monday, January 26, 2015

Maryanne Comaroto: I Dare You To Live a Positive Life

by Debbi Dachinger, Dare To Dream Radio Host, Wed. 11am PT

I recently interviewed Maryanne Comaroto from Maryanne Live! radio show on We had a brilliant conversation - see how this influences you. I dare you to take Maryanne's dare!

Debbi: What is the greatest lesson you've learned?

Maryanne: One of the greatest lessons I have ever learned is that Love is a verb!

Debbi: What is something you are deeply grateful for?

Maryanne: I am grateful to be alive and to be able to be of service

Debbi: What's the most important thing you do to keep your life positive?

Maryanne:  To remember who I really am and what I am here for

Debbi: If you could DARE the listeners to do anything that will create positive change for them, what would you dare them to do today?

I would invite them to stop at nothing to find the truth about who they are and what their purpose is.  It is always a privilege to be connected to other way showers and light bearers...

Tune in to Maryanne Live!  which airs Tuesdays at 10am PT on

Monday, January 19, 2015

Dr. Andy McCabe: I Dare You To Live a Positive Life

by Debbi Dachinger, Dare To Dream Radio Host, Wed. 11am PT

I recently interviewed Dr. Andy McCabe featured host, of Autism w/Dr. Andy on  We had a brilliant conversation. I dare you to accept Andy's dare!
Debbi: What is the greatest lesson you've learned?

Andy: Most of what I worry about doesn't matter. What matters is whether or not I am kind to others and also, kind to myself. Kindness can also mean telling others, or myself, something they, or I, don't want to hear that is true.
Debbi: What is something you are deeply grateful for?

Andy:  I am deeply grateful for the mind God has given me. It's my playground and the ultimate toy. I can create a new story every day, if I wish to. I can make things happen that will benefit others and, in the process, enjoy myself. I can use my mind to wade through the complexities of life and, in my own way, find my way.

Debbi: What do I do to keep my life positive?

Andy:  I remind myself on a daily basis of some advice given to me by my Uncle Jack, fondly known as Jake the Fake. Jake was a lovable con man. One day he said to me, "Andy, nothing is on the level! You may not understand what I mean now, but as you get older, you will!" So, what I do to keep myself positive is to remember that life isn't fair and don't expect it to be. However, the joy is in fully participating in the process. We get a big book of tickets for the carnival ride of life and we decide whether to use them or not. I want to use all mine and ask for another book!

Debbi: If you could dare listeners to do something, what would it be?

Andy:  Think of their most life enhancing dream that they would love to have happen. The only requirement is that in some way the dream frightens them. I don't mean something that is life threatening, immoral or illegal but rather, something that makes their heart beat faster and could potentially bring them a sense of joy or fulfillment. Write it down. Take responsibility. Make a plan. Visualize it happening many times during the day. Take action on a daily basis.

Tune in to hear Autism w/Dr. Andy McCabe on Thursdays 10am PT on www.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Kristin Fontana: I Dare You To Live a Positive Life

by Debbi Dachinger, Dare To Dream Radio Host, Wed. 11am PT

I recently interviewed Kristin Fontana from the Guiding Stars radio show on We had a brilliant conversation - see how this influences you. I dare you to take Kristin's dare!

Debbi: What is the greatest lesson you've learned?

Kristin: TOTAL freedom awaits if you have the courage to be who you are!

Debbi: What is something you are deeply grateful for?

Kristin: Deeply Grateful - apart from my precious family.....I am eternally grateful to the universe for bringing me together with my greatest life teacher for from that moment on, I connected to my life's work as an Evolutionary Astrologer which has helped me help others in a profoundly meaningful way but it has also always served to shine a light on the path back to my root nature, ultimately finding my way back home to myself, and through extension, God.

Debbi: What's the most important thing you do to keep your life positive?

Kristin:  To keep life positive - Honestly, I was just born that way, due to being a Sagittarius sun, I tend to always spring from an optimistic place. I realized very early on about the law of energy. What you put out comes back. I listen to music of various kinds to support this space and I meditate...

Debbi: If you could DARE the listeners to do anything that will create positive change for them, what would you dare them to do today?

Kristin: I would DARE listeners to try and experience life outside their comfort zone every once in a while. Whatever that may be. Trying a new restaurant/dish. Buying a new piece of furniture or piece of art. Watching a movie in a genre they are not used to watching. Everyone falls into routine - but to be aware of it and make sure we don't get too "stuck"  is important. Allow yourself to LIVE, LEARN and TRY!

Tune in to Kristin Fontana's Guiding Stars  which airs Wednesdays at 10am PT on