Sunday, February 8, 2015

Be A Great Guest On Radio

by Debbi Dachinger
Radio is a terrific venue. Being interviewed allows people to know you and what you do quickly. It also allows the listeners, including potential clients, to see you as an expert and gives the sense that your business (or your book) is “legit.” So being booked as a radio guest can be a positive and powerful promotional device for you and your business.

To be a guest on radio is great whether it's a popular internet radio program on a bona fide station or a traditional radio station because both get listened to on average 3-5 hours a day. According to past research from Edison-Arbitron podcasts are only listened to 1-3 minutes at the top of the hour. Although some podcasts may be a good venue to be interviewed on if you hit a very popular host with a large following.

How do you become a great radio guest? Here's some hints... The first and foremost thing is to be yourself. Then, if you want to be on radio, listen to radio. Tune in to the kinds of talk radio shows that you think would best showcase you (or your product) and would most likely feature you.

Pay attention to each guest interviewed on the radio show. Notice on various shows the guests you like  and dislike. Ask yourself: why do I enjoy listening to them? What kept me captivated? Why do they bore you or make you want to tune out? Take note because these are qualities you will want to use and avoid while on air, of course through the filter of who you are authentically. Never lose your unique voice.

Follow this blog each week to learn more hints on how to be a great guest on radio!

Debbi Dachinger is a popular radio and TV media personality and guest, a speaker, a multi-book and sought after media coach. Debbi  has the fun, cutting-edge talk radio show 'Dare To Dream' broadcasting every Wednesday at 11am PT on

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