Monday, December 15, 2014

Reba Merrill: I Dare You To Live a Positive Life

by Debbi Dachinger, Dare To Dream Radio Host, Wed. 11am PT

I recently interviewed Reba Merrill from the Healing Sound Radio show on We had a brilliant conversation - see how this influences you. I dare you to take Reba's dare!

Debbi: What is the greatest lesson you've learned?

Reba:    I learned to forgive myself and not let mistakes have any power. It took me a long time for me to find me.

Debbi: What is something you are deeply grateful for?

Reba:    At my age it's health which brings me happiness and that's all I want.

Debbi: What's the most important thing you do to keep your life positive?

Reba:  I exercise, I eat healthy [no sugar or white flour] and am grateful for my blessings. 

Debbi: If you could DARE the listeners to do anything that will create positive change for them, what would you dare them to do today?

Reba: The most powerful thing someone can do is try something that scares them. 

Tune in to Reba Merrill's Hollywood Show which airs Wednesdays 2pm PT on

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