Monday, May 11, 2015

Radio Guest Tips

by Debbi Dachinger

Here are a few bits of info to understand before you are interviewed on radio which
will prove to be invaluable during and after the interview:

 - When calling about establishing your first interview - remember to be pleasantly persistent. If you do not receive a call-back after the 2nd call, send a book cover postcard, give them time to receive it and then try calling again.

 - Create great relationships with everyone involved in the radio show and station. On one occasion I was having trouble getting to the producer. After several lovely conversations with the scheduler, I sent her a signed copy of my book and hinted at passing it by the producer. The day after she received it the producer called and booked me as a guest.

- If you cannot get a positive response after the 3rd email, give it up, shout, "Next!" and email someone else. Try telephoning or snail mail that is getting a better response these days.

 - Producer's name. The producer usually books the show, however you should try to talk to the host if at all possible to get a feel for how the interview will go.

- When you get a hold of the producer or have booked the show here are some things to ask about or keep in mind...
            1) Where can people listen to the radio show?
            2) Will they call you or will you be calling them? What phone number? Do they have an emergency number? Be sure the producer has your direct phone number and be sure you know exactly when they will be calling you or if you will be calling them.
            3 )What is their complete address, office phone number
            4) What is the Show name and the Host name. Verify spelling and pronunciation. It is also a good idea to have this in front of you during the interview so you can refer to the show and to the host(s) by name. Ask them if there will there be more than one host or guest on at the same time.

Listen to Debbi Dachinger on "Dare to Dream" Radio, Wednesday's at 11 AM PT in

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