Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor of Love: News@7

As another summer comes to a close many wonder where did the time go? Time and how we spend it is becoming just as important as how we use our financial resources, or make other healthy decisions on a daily basis. Children are going back to school a little sooner, and weather patterns have been changing recently too. Now it can be a challenge to find our rhythms that we are used to that can get us back on track.

The News@7 has been a "Labor of Love" for all involved since its launch in January 2010. Information is important and these days it takes a little more time to find the better news that is usually overlooked or goes unreported.

Every day of the week on News@7 there is a new and different feature with Heroes and Happy Living, Health news, Science and Technology, Environmental news, as well as, Arts and Entertainment. Guest opinions and daily updates are provided on World news, National topics plus Business and Sports News. If you’ve listened to HealthyLife.Net News@7 broadcast, I'm sure you know most of the information for potential news content that is considered by mainstream news media are topics that we feel are too saturated and therefore we are a bit more selective with our listener in mind.

Besides the information and content out there, we seem to be using technology at an ever increasing pace. We are all working with the choices of how we like to communicate and receive our basic and sometimes recreational news. It's really at a point where if you haven't done so recently, you have to do a tech inventory just to keep up with the basics today. I personally like being in a world where I can use the "older", if you will, medium of radio with a new twist of being online. Online radio can not only be listened to on your PC from any where in the world, but on your mobile phones and devices, as well as being accessed in many of the new cars - sitting in the background for your multi-tasking life style or in the foreground to soak it all in.

With the Fall season on our doorsteps it can be another chance to make some positive shifts in your life if you feel the need. I'm working on some steps behind the scenes here at the Network to make the News@7 even better for loyal listeners like you. Keep an eye on this Blog for more info and updates specifically relating to the News@7 and its featured stories and topics. Your feedback here or on any of our social media sites is always encouraged as well.

Happy Labor Day (Don't work too hard).

Jay Cruz
Anchor News@7
Monday - Friday 7am and 7pm Pacific Time
and archived all day for 24 hours

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