Monday, April 27, 2015

After Your Radio Interview - Now What?

by Debbi Dachinger

After your radio interview consider writing a thank you note to the show host. If inclined, send a small, meaningful gift to the host, for example a gift certificate to Starbucks (if they drink coffee) or something that is heartfelt. A handwritten note is nice because the radio host has given you free marketing and publicity for you or your business and may have  introduced you to a whole new audience that you may not have had before. Most times hosts conduct interviews that shine a light on you, and sometimes, on controversial stations, they try to deride you - but in any event you have received free publicity since most hosts do not charge for interviews - and any publicity really is good publicity.

One thing you can do, if the show is  not copyrighted AND you have the show/station's permission, is to put the audio interview on your web site. You can edit the audio into the best five minutes or feature the entire radio show. This allows prospective clients and other radio or TV stations to get a taste of what you have to offer on media - so they may want to book you for their shows.

What's next? Book your next radio appearance on another show. Keep building on your skills and enjoy the next host, station and program.  Just remember to honor the station's guest policies because most stations limit how many times you can be a guest on their network in a certain period of time. So pick your future shows wisely and don't forget to have fun!

Listen to Debbi Dachinger on "Dare to Dream" Radio, Wed. 11 AM PT


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