Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Debbi Dachinger: I Dare You To Live a Positive Life

This Q&A is featuring Debbi Dachinger, host of the “Dare to Dream” Radio show heard
on HealthyLife.net every Wednesday between 11 AM – 12 PM PT. I dare you to take Debbi's' dare!

HRN:  What is the greatest lesson you've learned?

Debbi: Nothing is final. There is always another chance, another choice to be made. We can reinvent ourselves or make new decisions and turn anything around. Align ourselves with new people, paces and situations. The greatest lesson I’ve ever learned is the power of choice. Don’t underestimate it.

HRN: What is something you are deeply grateful for?

Debbi: So many things. I am very rich in friends and in love. I am grateful for laughter, silliness, comedy, great food, travel, animals, amazing friendships, my loving partner, the ability to grow, self-develop and change, and the listeners at HealthyLife.net!

HRN: What's the most important thing you do to keep your life positive?

Debbi: First when I am inspired with  dream, I do what it take to create it into my reality and then enjoy the heck out of the creation. Next I keep life positive by being responsible for my side of things and for continually growing. And if I may add one more thing, my life is extremely positive due to the spectacular conversation I have with transformational minds each week on my show – they cause me to think about things in a way that is mind opening and quite motivating.

HRN: If you could DARE the listeners to do anything to create positive change for them, what will you dare them to do today?

Debbi: Cultivate empathy. It is very easy these days to not feel for our fellow humans. We are all moving so fast and so much is constantly calling for our attention that we lose compassion for each other. Empathy means learning to understand each other and it can show up, even in simple things like holding the door open for another, saying thank you, a smile, a kindness; allowing someone to talk without interrupting. Cultivate that and you can change your outer and inner worlds.

Listen to Debbi Dachinger on "Dare to Dream" Radio, Wednesdays
at 11 AM PT on HealthyLife.net http://deborahdachinger.com/

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